The Source Weekly turns 25 this year

Hard to believe that Bend’s best alt-weekly newspaper, The Source, is a quarter of a century old—but it’s true! The paper was launched in 1997 and turned 25 just this month, which means there have been about 1,300 issues published since then!
In many ways, the story of the Source Weekly is the story of Bend—once small and scrappy, now a bit more citified… and populated by a Portlander or two or three.
The Source Weekly, dubbed the “Deschutes Source” during its early days in 1997, has survived 25 years of fires, droughts, political upheavals, recalls, opt-outs, walkouts, occupations, media hemorrhages and even a global pandemic—emerging as now the only newspaper in Central Oregon to be owned locally, by people who live and work inside the same brick walls that have recorded so many of Central Oregon’s ups and downs.
There’s a lot to like about the paper, not the least of which is that it’s free (and always has been). You get solid news reporting, local culture, excellent guides, the best local events calendar online (and in the paper itself), and most importantly, an alternative point of view and source of news to other mainstream outlets.
The Source is also hosting an anniversary party on August 10, at the Deschutes Historical Museum (presumably outside, like how The Little Woody is set up), featuring live music and entertainment. Like the paper itself, the party is free and open to the public.