Lay It Out Events cancels St. Patrick’s Day Dash amid COVID-19 restrictions

Speaking of St. Patrick’s Day and coronavirus (see previous post), Lay It Out Events this morning announced the cancellation of its annual St. Patrick’s Day Dash. Here’s the release:
Following Governor Kate Browns orders, the St. Patrick’s Day Dash will be cancelled
The 9th annual St. Patrick’s Day Dash, presented by the Mt. Bachelor Rotary Club, has been canceled as a cautionary action due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Rotary International takes the threat from all viruses seriously and has been committed to the eradication of the Polio virus around the world. We want to thank all the volunteers, sponsors, and security for their dedication to this local tradition.
“Rotary International is almost 100% responsible for the eradication of the Polio virus in the world and therefore it is incumbent on us to act in a forward manner by adhering to advice from the World Health Organization to avoid group gatherings,” said Rotary President Rob Fincham.
Anyone who registered for the race can choose to receive a refund or make a donation to the Family Access Network. 100% of proceeds from the Dash go towards FAN, so we encourage anyone who planned on running to make a donation and support the work they do in the community.
FAN advocates improve the lives of over 9,000 children and family members in our community each year, so your support is much appreciated. You can make other donations here:
If you’d like a refund please contact
The St. Patrick’s Day Dash will be back next year.
If you’re looking for a refund, consider donating to FAN anyway.