Bend Fire Dept. Clothing Drive – donate a coat and more by Nov. 20

The Bend Fire Department has been conducting a winter clothing drive, and issued a reminder yesterday for folks to get the word out before it’s over next week:
The Bend Fire Department has been conducting a winter clothing drive over the past 3 weeks, and now there are just [4] more days to donate your unneeded warm winter clothing to those in need.
Simply drop off the clothing you wish to donate at any of Bend’s 5 fire stations by Tuesday, November 20, and you will be helping people in our community get through the Central Oregon winter safer and warmer. The clothing will go to help the Bethlehem Inn and Central Oregon Veteran’s Outreach.
The fire stations are located at the following addresses:
- West Station: 1212 SW Simpson Ave, Bend (off Century Drive)
- Tumalo Station: 19850 4th Street, Tumalo (downtown Tumalo)
- South Station: 61080 Country Club Road, Bend (across from the country club)
- East Station: 62420 Hamby Road, Bend (south of Buckingham School)
- North Station: 63377 Jamison Road, Bend (next to the Sheriff’s Office)
The Bend Fire Department thanks you for your generosity!
You have until the 20th, but don’t wait until the last minute.