The Deschutes County Fair premium book is now available

The Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo takes place August 1 through 5 this year, with the theme of “Cheers to 99 Years!” The premium book is now available, online here and at the following locations for print versions:
- Deschutes Fair & Expo office
- Bend and Redmond Chambers of Commerce
- The 4-H Extension office
- All Deschutes County Les Schwab stores
- Wilco in Bend
- Oregon Feed & Irrigation in Redmond
- Coastal Farm in Redmond
- The Deschutes Public Library’s Bend and Redmond branches
This is the book that contains the information, details, and regulations you need if you want to enter any exhibits in the Fair—if you win, there are ribbons and cash prizes to bring home.
Of course you don’t only have to enter livestock; almost any food, drink, arts or craft can be entered as well. Many years ago I entered homebrewed beers, and even won some ribbons at it. (In fact I may have to do it again…)
Due dates are the end of July so you should have plenty of time to plan out your entry!