Bend City Council meeting notes for March/April 2018
Other things had me somewhat offline for the past number of weeks, so I hadn’t yet had a chance to post the Bend City Council meeting notes for either March or April. Here they are now:
- Bend City Council meeting minutes, 3-7-18 (MS Word doc)
- Bend City Council meeting minutes, 3-21-18 (MS Word doc)
- Bend City Council meeting minutes, 4-4-18 (MS Word doc)
- Bend City Council meeting minutes, 4-18-18 (MS Word doc)
April in particular had a fair amount of discussion over Urban Growth Boundary vs. urban renewal.
The next City Council meeting is this Wednesday, May 2, at 7pm—and a reminder that it is open to the public, taking place at City Hall if you are interested in attending.
I happy you find these useful. Could I get you to call these meeting notes? They are not the official approved record of the meeting.
Sure, I can update to “notes,” thanks!