Talking about Bend’s beer history

Shameless self-promotion time! This Saturday, January 27 (today!), I will be at the Deschutes Brewery Bend Tasting Room to present “Uncovering Bend Beer: A History of Beer in Central Oregon” — a book and history talk based on my book Bend Beer (of course).
My plan is to talk both about the history of beer in Central Oregon, and my own experiences in researching and writing the book. If you’ve read the book, then much of this history will be familiar to you. But! I do have some extras that aren’t in the book, and I’ll talk about the process behind it all. Sort of a behind-the-scenes look.
The talk starts at 5pm and yes, there will be beer and food available. Deschutes also has copies of Bend Beer for sale and I’ll be signing any that people want to buy.
Come on out, and bring your Bend history and beer questions!