Attend the “Smiles of Hope & Healing” benefit for Saving Grace on Thursday

Here is a great event that just showed up on my radar today: a benefit for Saving Grace, Smiles of Hope & Healing. It’s taking place Thursday, February 23 at Healthy Bend Dental Implant Center down in the Old Mill District, and it’s free. Here’s the post and details from the event page:
Before he gets home you desperately throw everything into your car fast as you can and speed off to a secret location…
That secret location here in Bend is Saving Grace Imagine Life Without Violence, a safe place women can go to escape domestic violence. It’s hard to imagine, but 1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime and seek to start her life a new.
What if that woman has had her teeth knocked out? Self confidence plays a bigger part in starting over than we know. This is why *you* are being invited to one of the most important events of 2017. It’s free — the food, the cocktails, the live music — all complimentary.
It’s called… Smiles of Hope & Healing – A benefit for Saving Grace a program that “GIVES WOMEN THEIR SMILES BACK!” Smiles of Hope & Healing was created & funded by Healthy Bend Dental Implant Center. The local Hero behind it…
A beautiful Bendite named Dr. Kelley Mingus & as he says “credit should also go to my amazing, compassionate & professional team!” What can you do? You can help us just by coming by for a good time and being a part of the awareness.
A third of us are directly affected by domestic violence, but it’s an issue that should matter to all of us.
Giving back a woman’s smile! A gift that is forever! Join like-minded local people for cocktails by BackDrop Distilling, live music by Nicolas Miranda, cuisine by Parrilla Grilll & Palmers Cafe, and a guest speaker from Saving Grace Imagine Life Without Violence. No pocket book required. A fun but eye-opening evening that needs your attention.
Feb. 23rd, 5 – 8pm at 225 SW Scalehouse Loop, located in the Healthy Bend Building inside the heart of the Old Mill District.
Special thank you to Donahue Law Firm and Bryan Donahue, a gentleman who always has his heart in the right place. Also a special thank you to the amazing crew at Saving Grace who live this movement everyday & literally help these women into their freedom.
Backdrop Distilling will be pouring special Lavender Black Cherry and Lavender Blackberry cocktails, and I’m sure the food from Palmer’s and Parrilla will be great.
This is such a good cause, you should try to attend if you at all can!