Volunteers needed for the Central Oregon Winter Beer Festival

Coming up this Saturday, December 10, the Central Oregon Winter Beer Festival is returning to GoodLife Brewing from 2 to 9pm. 22 Central Oregon breweries and cider makers will be there pouring their winter and holiday beers and ciders, and the cost is only $10 which gets you the commemorative glass and 4 drink tickets.
My article in this week’s GO! Magazine in the Bulletin has more details and some background on what makes a winter beer. Check it out!
And, the COWBF is still in need of volunteers to pour beer! If you volunteer to pour, you’ll get free entry (the glass and tickets), and I don’t believe you don’t need an OLCC permit as they will issue a temporary permit. If you’re interested, sign up here ASAP.
Sign up to pour if you can, it’ll be a great experience and you will get the chance to try a bunch of specialty beers!