Would you star in a reality show about Bend?

That seems to be the question prompted by this website which purports to be holding a casting call:

In the tradition of scripted shows like Picket Fences, Twin Peaks, Northern Exposure and Portlandia – the time has come to introduce the world to this nonfictional haven with the most unique individuals your city has to offer.

We are looking to create a unique -one of a kind- reality show, where the audience is just a fly on the wall.

We are casting real people, not actors.

Honestly this sounds a little bizarre—The Source points out a few oddities, such as Bend being the “Cascade Mountains’ most fascinating city” and being the beer epicenter of the mid-west—but the domain appears to be registered to Stander Productions which is real as far as I can tell.

But if you’re interested, their application is due by April 15. Let us know how it goes!

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