First Friday – Spring Art Hop
This Friday the 6th—tomorrow!—it’s not only the monthly First Friday Art Walk downtown (and in the Old Mill District), but it’s the annual Spring Art Hop! (Think regular Art Walk on steroids—one in the Spring and another in October in the Fall.) From 5 to 9pm art galleries and many other businesses stay open late hosting art receptions and many offer free refreshments, live music, and/or wine (or beer).
The Downtown Bend Business Association issued a press release this time around highlighting some of the new businesses to downtown that will be participating:
Several new businesses will be hosting grand openings including Navidi’s Oils & Vinegars, a specialty food shop at 120 Minnesota Avenue, Natural Edge Furniture, customer reclaimed and recycle wood furniture at 838 Bond, and Tin Pan Theater, an indie film house at 869 Tin Pan Alley.
And don’t forget that the GETIT Shuttle is available for free to take you from downtown Bend to the Old Mill District and back. The shuttle runs from 5 to 9 concurrent with the Art Walk and leaves from 900 Wall downtown and (I believe) Lahaina Gallery in the Old Mill, with about 30 minutes between shuttles.