July 4 is Deschutes Historical Museum’s free day

Every year on July 4th, the Deschutes Historical Museum opens up to the public for free which makes for a great stop when you’re out and about for the Independence Day festivities. (You are going to be out and about, right?) Here’s the press release for this year’s event: The … Continue reading

Celebrate Troy Field – community picnic

Spotted on the 4th of July: (Community picnic/potluck, Wednesday, July 6th, 4 to 9pm. Bring your own food, blanket, non-alcoholic beverages, cornhole games, and all musical instruments (even banjos!) welcome! bendblockparties@hotmail.com)

4th of July Free Day at the Deschutes Historical Museum

Happy Independence Day! Don’t forget with all the other fun stuff going on, the Deschutes Historical Museum is holding their annual Free Day today from 10am to 4pm. The Museum opened on this day in 1980, in fact—so they celebrate this birthday by offering free admission as well as give out … Continue reading

4th of July Library book sale

Every year I highlight the Deschutes Public Library‘s 4th of July book sale as a holiday activity (because books!) and always make it a point to stop by after the Pet Parade and fun in the park. However—I don’t know if it’s because July 4 falls on a Monday this … Continue reading

Kicking off July and the holiday weekend

Happy July! We’ve got an eventful week ahead of us, with one of my favorite Bend holidays this weekend as well as First Friday and more. Not to mention as of today, the first, recreational marijuana is legal in Oregon, and the new westside zipcode of 97703 goes into effect. … Continue reading

Who’s ready for the 4th of July?

We’re coming up on one of my favorite Bend holidays of the year, and this year is pretty ideal because it falls on a Friday—three day weekend! As usual there is a ton of things to do on the Fourth itself and on top of tall that, it’s also First … Continue reading

Happy Fourth!

Happy Independence Day! I hope everyone has a safe and fun July 4th. This is one of my favorite holidays in Bend, with a bunch of things going on—here’s an itinerary: The Bend Pet Parade: Does free entertainment really get any better? At 10am the Pet Parade kicks off the … Continue reading

Enjoy these pictures of the Pet Parade and Fourth

We enjoyed the Pet Parade and Old-Fashioned Fourth of July celebration yesterday of course, and I snapped a few pictures as well. If you were there then no doubt you saw much of what I captured here—including the crowd-favorite flying dog. Enjoy!

Fourth of July itinerary

The July 4th holiday is a little awkward as it falls in the middle of the week this year—having to work two days before an after is annoying—but that shouldn’t dampen the enjoyment of it any. As usual there are lots of things going on; here are a number of … Continue reading

Happy 4th!

Happy Independence Day all! It’s already a beautiful day and with all the things going on it’s definitely one of my favorite Bend holidays. I hope everyone has a safe Fourth this year. And here’s a last-minute list of activities going on in Bend today. The Pancake Breakfast has already … Continue reading