Ignite Bend 12 is coming up this month, and voting has opened today on submissions, where folks can vote on their top three favorite speaker proposals for what they would like to see on stage. Here are the list of submitted proposals, and you can go vote on them here. … Continue reading
Taking place tonight at the Volcanic Theater Pub in the Century Center (across the courtyard from GoodLife Brewing) is the Ignite Bend Battledecks event, best described as a slideshow karaoke pre-show for the main Ignite coming up in a few weeks. It’s free and open to one and all, and … Continue reading
Ignite Bend 11 is coming up in October (on the 23rd) and the proposal submission deadline is tomorrow, Sunday the 29th. (Originally it was this past Wednesday but frankly we needed more proposals!) Have you seen an Ignite? If so, have you ever wondered about doing a presentation on stage … Continue reading
The next Ignite Bend is coming up in just over two months, number 11 which is taking place on Wednesday, October 23rd. If you’ve never been to one of these events before (which are totally free, incidentally), mark your calendars and watch this space for more news as it approaches. … Continue reading
Update: Commenter Charlie M. won the tickets! Thanks to all for participating! As usual, I’ve got 2 tickets to Ignite Bend going on this Thursday night, March 7, that I’m going to give away here on the blog—if you missed your chance to snag a couple tickets a couple weeks … Continue reading
Don’t forget—this coming Thursday, March 7, is Ignite Bend 10! If you didn’t get tickets to the free event (they sold out quickly again), don’t fret—I should be running a raffle for 2 tickets again this time around (probably Monday). It should be a good show (though the Speaker list … Continue reading
Tonight is the Ignite Bend Battledecks event and voting party, taking place over at the Broken Top Bottle Shop at 6:30 (though the actual Battledeck-ing will probably kick off around 7)—this is the improv/ad-lib “Powerpoint Karaoke” event where you can sign up to do a short Ignite-style presentation to a slidedeck … Continue reading
Ignite Bend 10 is just over a month away, and this week is the deadline to submit a proposal if you wanted to be a part of it! The deadline is Friday the 8th at 5pm, and then online voting for the favorites will begin on Saturday. And then on … Continue reading
Did you know that Ignite Bend 10 is just around the corner? The latest iteration of this incredibly fun, free event is taking place Thursday, March 7—less than two months away! I’ve written much about how fun an event this is, both for attendees and speakers (I even got up … Continue reading
A quick note to reveal the winner of the Ignite Bend 9 ticket giveaway I was running was commenter Jen! Congratulations, tickets are on your way!