This came through on Sunday the 9th and it’s interesting: Central Oregon Locavore needs to raise $25,000 by the end of summer to stay in business. Here’s the press release: Central Oregon Locavore supports our local farmers and ranchers, while teaching our community about local and healthy food. Our marketplace … Continue reading
Fans of Central Oregon Locavore will be pleased to learn that the local food marketplace (or permanent indoor farmers market as they call it) is moving into a new, larger location on Third Street. And as they grow they are welcoming contributions as well. From their online newsletter: In 2013 … Continue reading
Going on today—right now in fact—is Central Oregon Locavore‘s annual Holiday Gift Faire, taking place at the Old Stone Church from 10 to 4pm. Here’s the Facebook event for it, and here’s their description (from the newsletter): Central Oregon Locavore Non Profit is proud to present one of Central Oregon’s … Continue reading
Some cool stuff going on today that you might want to check out. McMenamins Halfway to St. Patrick’s Day: Technically this should be on the 17th but that’s a Tuesday so the 14th works for McMenamins annual Irish-in-September fun. All day long today you’ll be infused with the Irish with Irish … Continue reading
Quite by accident yesterday we stumbled upon the brand new Central Oregon Locavore marketplace, located on 1st Street just a couple of blocks north of Greenwood; we were driving by on Greenwood when we saw the sandwich board sign, and out of curiosity stopped by on our way back by. … Continue reading