Ignite Bend 10 is this Thursday!

Don’t forget—this coming Thursday, March 7, is Ignite Bend 10! If you didn’t get tickets to the free event (they sold out quickly again), don’t fret—I should be running a raffle for 2 tickets again this time around (probably Monday). It should be a good show (though the Speaker list … Continue reading

Battledecks (& Ignite Bend voting party) is tonight

Tonight is the Ignite Bend Battledecks event and voting party, taking place over at the Broken Top Bottle Shop at 6:30 (though the actual Battledeck-ing will probably kick off around 7)—this is the improv/ad-lib “Powerpoint Karaoke” event where you can sign up to do a short Ignite-style presentation to a slidedeck … Continue reading

Free Family Day at the High Desert Museum this Saturday

This Saturday is the first of several upcoming free days at the High Desert Museum, a really good deal that gets you in to the Museum during their regular (winter) hours of 10 to 4 for, yes, free. The “Free Family Saturday” complimentary admission program supports the educational mission of … Continue reading

Ignite Bend 10!

Did you know that Ignite Bend 10 is just around the corner? The latest iteration of this incredibly fun, free event is taking place Thursday, March 7—less than two months away! I’ve written much about how fun an event this is, both for attendees and speakers (I even got up … Continue reading

First Friday, Christmas edition

It’s First Friday Art Walk in downtown Bend and the Old Mill District tonight—the last one of the year! Art galleries, shops, and other stores will stay open late with special art exhibits, and many offer up live music, free hors-d’oeuvres, and wine (or beer), and it’s a great time … Continue reading

LEGO Robotics

Everyone knows that LEGO is cool. What could be better? Robots made of LEGO parts and pieces, operated by local students. There will be a LEGO Robotics tournament at Mountain View High School on Saturday, December 8th. It’s open to the public and free to attend. The opening ceremony will … Continue reading

Annual Christmas Kayak

If you didn’t get enough parade time yet this year, there’s one more coming up this Friday, December 7. And even if you don’t like parades this might be something to check out anyways. There will be a night-time parade of kayaks in the Deschutes River, through the Old Mill … Continue reading

Bend Venture unConference

The Bend Venture Conference kicks off today, featuring some pre-conference seminars and notably the Bend Venture unConference—“lively, casual discussions while enjoying the best of Central Oregon’s tastes and tech talent” taking place today from 12:30 to 5pm at the BendBroadband Vault. It’s a totally free event but you need to register … Continue reading

Ignite Bend 9 Speakers and Tickets

The (free) tickets for Ignite Bend 9, coming up on the 17th, are going “on sale” today at noon! You’ll want to watch the Ignite Bend site for the announcement and link, because the past few events, these tickets have sold out within the first 15 or so minutes (which … Continue reading

First Friday and Fall Festival

This weekend is a busy one! Not only is it First Friday tomorrow night, it’s the Fall Art Hop as well—which (along with the Spring version) is the bigger version of the usual monthly Art Walk, with many businesses in Downtown Bend and the Old Mill District staying open late … Continue reading