St. Patrick’s Pub Hoppers guide

It’s that time again—St. Patrick’s Day! Although it’s a Wednesday this year, that shouldn’t stop you from having a good time, so here’s my "official" pub-hopping guide for the holiday. As always, it’s not definitive, but a list of the places that strike me as St. Patty’s-appropriate (more in the … Continue reading

Bend Brewing turns 15!

I almost missed this by my wife spotted the news on the Downtown Bend site: Bend Brewing Company is turning 15 this month and this Saturday (February 27th) they’re having their 15th anniversary party! Here’s the skinny from the Downtowners: Saturday, February 27th marks the fifteenth anniversary of the BBC. … Continue reading

Beer news

Couple of beer-related items kicking off today. First, McMenamins is having their last-Wednesday-of-the-month Limited Release beer tasting tonight, starting at 5pm: Bring all your beer-minded friends out to try a specially released beer, with pints selling at Happy Hour prices all night long (or ’til the keg is kicked!). "Admission" … Continue reading

Jubel 2010 Release Party!

This Friday (the 5th) is Deschutes Brewery’s Release Party for Jubel 2010, their latest big beer bottling for their "Super Jubel"—a 10% alcohol "double" version of their seasonal Jubelale. This is only the second time they’ve ever bottled it (the first being in 2000), so the Release Party should be … Continue reading

Sisters Wine and Brew Festival

Sisters is having their very first Wine and Brew Festival, coming up in June. This came through as a press release, and it’s not for another five months, but sounds pretty cool to me! One question (so far): will it be kid friendly? Sisters Wine & Brew Festival Announces First … Continue reading

Cinder Cone Red Farewell Party

Tomorrow night, Tuesday the 5th, Deschutes Brewery is holding their "Cinder Cone Red Farewell Party" down at their pub. That’s kind of a big deal for local beer geeks; Cinder Cone is (was) one of Deschutes’ most popular seasonals. Here’s the details on the party: That’s right, we are toasting … Continue reading

Holiday Shopping 2009: Food and Drink

Christmas is fast approaching (less than two weeks away!) and for any last-minute shopping you need to do, herewith are some suggestions. Organized by category, all as local as possible, with some specific suggestions and some general. Feel free to leave additional suggestions in the comments. Both Newport Avenue Market … Continue reading

Beer fans: The Abyss release party November 3rd

Good news for you beer lovers out there: Deschutes Brewery is having their Abyss release party on Tuesday, November 3rd, starting at 5:30pm. They posted on their Facebook fan page: The wait is almost over. The Abyss 2009 release party at the Bend pub will be on Tuesday, November 3rd, … Continue reading

Great American Beer Festival winners

The latter half of this week the Great American Beer Festival has been going on in Denver, Colorado, and today was the awards ceremony for all the beers across the country that was sent to compete. There was some 3300 beers in 78 different categories, and I’m happy to report … Continue reading

Review, pictures of The Little Woody

Saturday was The Little Woody, the barrel-aged beer festival I’d been touting for awhile, and I was able to make it down there from 12:30 until 3. (The event lasted until 10.) I’ve written a more detailed review over at my beer blog, including notes on the beers themselves, but … Continue reading