This is what racism looks like.

This isn’t the typical type of post I’d write to dust off the site here, but it’s an important subject that needs to be addressed, especially at the community and personal level. Particularly when it relates to a local business and reveals a deep, ugly racist streak that needs to be called out.

The business in question is We’re the Würst, a butcher/sausage maker that started as a food cart, which supplies sausages to a number of businesses in Central Oregon. The company has long posted controversial, conservative, even crazy views on its Facebook page, but a few days ago posted a positively vile racist rant against Juneteenth (screenshot posted because I will not link to the account):

We're The Würst racist Facebook post, June 17, 2022

Not only racist, but lacking an understanding of history and any kind of… social decency, even. It’s just gross and you shouldn’t do any business with this company.

You can follow along all of this on Reddit (start here), and tonight KTVZ picked up the story as well. Good news that’s been coming out of all this: both Monkless Belgian Ales and Bend’s Grocery Outlet have confirmed they will no longer being doing business with We’re the Würst.

Racism has no place here, and needs to have a light shined on it when it happens.


  1. Your very declarative comment about the values of “Bend and Central Oregon” begs a # of obvious questions: 1. What are the valuers of Bend? 2. How statistically valid is your conclusion? 3rdly, what are the collective values of the three counties that are generally included in the term “Central Oregon” and how statistically valid is that conclusion? I ask these questions not in support of the business owner who wrote and posted his personal comments but I just want to know the scientific basis for your declarations that speak for the roughly 100,000 residents of Bend and the approximate 276,000 residents of the three counties that comprise the term, “Central Oregon” (My source on the population numbers: Lastly, if you do have concrete data that supports your statement, I offer that you have an extremely marketable product that has significant value to a number of political figures and businesses in all of Oregon, in the region and nationally. And, based on my professional experience tells me that if you sell your data collection software and supporting processes, you could be very wealthy, very quickly.

    1. You’re really going to come sealioning into this post calling out a commenter for declaring the “values” of our region do not include racism? Really?

    2. The irony of using a fictional gay character’s name to obfuscate your identity to argue against someone saying that racism is not a Central Oregon value….

  2. What is “vile” is your attempt to shut down a business because the owner dared to make politically incorrect comments. Who are you to decide and define what is racist in his comments? He speaks for many in this area who found the violent response by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, largely excused by the Left and their friends in the mainstream media as “mostly peaceful,” to be reprehensible and inexcusable acts that should be condemned, not applauded.

    1. > attempt to shut down a business

      Free market at work, they are free to say what they want, however vile, but that doesn’t shield them from consequences.

      > dared to make politically incorrect comments

      Sure, let’s pretend that’s what this is.

      > Who are you to decide and define what is racist in his comments?

      A person with a grip on reality who understands how to read.

      > violent response by Antifa and Black Lives Matter

      You know “Antifa” stands for “anti-fascist” right? You’re telling on yourself here. Shocking.

      > reprehensible and inexcusable acts that should be condemned

      REALLY telling on yourself here.

      1. I know perfectly well what Antifa stands for. Although they are anarchists, their actions emulate the Nazi Brown Shirts of the 1930s, so the name is the polar opposite of their beliefs.

      2. >You know “Antifa” stands for “anti-fascist” right? You’re telling on yourself here. Shocking
        This is dumbest logic every and I see it repeated constantly. Do you really think you’re smart saying this? Lets call ourselves “anti-badguys” and if you oppose us that means you’re a BADGUY!! It’s right in our name man!

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