If you are a fan of 10 Barrel Brewing‘s Swill (their seasonal American Radler beer), you should be aware that the company today announced they are recalling all of this year’s Swill currently on the market. They are having overcarbonation issues which can lead to exploding bottles—so if you have … Continue reading
There have been a few openings of note, in the past week and a half or so—over on the east side. Firstly, the first of the two Walgreens coming to Bend has opened up: the one on Highway 20 in the old Pilot Butte Theater location, across from Worthy Brewing. It’s … Continue reading
Rat Hole Brewing is celebrating their first anniversary tomorrow, Saturday, July 19, with an all-day part at their Brewpub in the Old Mill District. From noon to 10pm, they’re holding a parking lot party with live music, $3.50 beers, grilled food, and swag drawings. (You can purchase tickets for food … Continue reading
One of my favorite Mexican restaurants, La Rosa, is coming up on their ten-year anniversary here in Bend, and are planning on ten days of trivia fun to lead up to it. They posted on Facebook this morning: Here comes something to celebrate! In just over a week we will have … Continue reading
Tomorrow kicks off the biggest (and best in my opinion) of the Bend seasonal festivals: the Bend Summer Festival! (Additional details here.) Summerfest is going from 5 to 10pm Friday, 11am to 10pm Saturday, and 11am to 5pm Sunday, and takes over downtown with closures on Wall Street, Oregon Avenue, … Continue reading
What’s a good way to follow up the 4th of July? How about a brewfest on the 5th? Today is the 3rd annual Whole Foods Summer Brewfest taking place from 1 to 6pm over at the Whole Foods Market on Bend’s east side. It’s only $5 entry, which gets you … Continue reading
We’re coming up on one of my favorite Bend holidays of the year, and this year is pretty ideal because it falls on a Friday—three day weekend! As usual there is a ton of things to do on the Fourth itself and on top of tall that, it’s also First … Continue reading