Seven new local companies – one vying for title at Global Startup Battle Just before the Thanksgiving holiday, Bend Startup Weekend held its first event gathering more than 100 participants. After hearing several pitches From those, 7 teams formed. One team (H20 Photo Project) has advanced to the Global Startup … Continue reading
With the Thanksgiving weekend (and particularly Black Friday) now behind us, it’s now time to look ahead to the Christmas season! Two of the big kickoff events are this week. (Though for me personally, it really isn’t the “Christmas season” until at least December…) The annual downtown Christmas tree lighting … Continue reading
Looking for some inspiration for healthy gifts for the holidays? Learn how to make healthy food mixes that are quick and easy to make for you and your family to use or decorate for gifts. OSU Extension is offering a Healthy Holiday Mixes public workshop on December 4, 10:00 to 11:30 … Continue reading
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope the day is full of warmth and family and friendship, and everyone stays safe (particularly if you’re traveling today)! And don’t forget there are alternatives if you don’t (or can’t) make dinner yourself.
I didn’t know the 1965 film “The Sound of Music” had achieved a cult-like status to warrant things like costumed sing-alongs (something akin to “Rocky Horror”), but apparently it has: the Tower Theatre is hosting a Sound of Music Sing-Along Friday night at 6:30! Open your Von Trapp and hiss … Continue reading
This notice got to me a bit late, but you still have one more night to enjoy this movie now screening at the Tower Theatre: “Sleepwalk with Me” at 7pm (it originally ran from the 17th through the 21st). Here’s the press blurb: You’ve just woefully peeled yourself out of … Continue reading
It’s been awhile since I did a roundup of local beer news and happenings, so here’s a rundown to kick off the holiday week. Tonight (Monday the 19th), the Platypus Pub will be hosting brewer Zach Beckwith from Three Creeks Brewing for a tasting from 6 to 8pm; there will … Continue reading
This seems like a good idea that is probably overdue, frankly: The City of Bend has launched a new online service to enhance community engagement and provide a forum for residents to offer suggestions on how to improve the way the City does business. The new Web portal,, is … Continue reading
As strange as it may seem, in fact Snoop Dogg is coming to Bend, on Tuesday, December 18 to the Midtown Ballroom. (Ben Salmon broke the news over on his Frequency Blog.) Tickets cost $42.50 plus fees, and can be purchases online at BendTicket, TicketsWest, or TicketWeb. Or pick them … Continue reading
Thanksgiving is coming up next week—yes, already! (And Christmas is just around the corner!)—and if for whatever reason you’re not finding yourself enjoying a meal with friends or family, or you’re just not feeling like pulling together a big meal, there are some alternatives to look into. Broken Top Bottle … Continue reading