Munch and Movies starts this Friday

With Munch and Music wrapping up this Thursday, it’s time for the next phase of free evening activities to start up: Munch and Movies. It features food, free music, and of course the free movie. Here’s their blurb: The event officially starts at 6:00pm with live performances by local musicians … Continue reading

Bend Brewfest

The Bend Brewfest is back this year, kicking off in just under two weeks. It’s taking place on Friday, August 20th and Saturday the 21st from 4 to 11pm and noon to 11pm, respectively, down at the Les Schwab Amphitheater. Admission is free, but to drink beer you’ll need to … Continue reading

Weekend Happenings (8/6/10)

Time for another rundown of what’s going on in Bend this weekend. Friday The Farmers Market is down at St. Charles Hospital’s parking lot from 2 until 6pm. It’s First Friday! Downtown Bend, the Old Mill District, and Northwest Crossing are participating in the First Friday Art Walk, where the … Continue reading

Strike Out ALS with the Bend Elks

If you haven’t yet been to a Bend Elks baseball game, this Saturday would be a good time to start: there’s a fundraiser for good cause. When: Saturday, August 7th Time: 6:35pm Where: Vince Genna Stadium Free T-Shirt to the first 300 attendees. The Bend Elks will be donating a … Continue reading

Race for the River

This Saturday, August 7th, is the first (annual?) Race for the River, an event launched by the Deschutes River Conservancy: GRAB YOUR FLOATIES, KAYAKS, CANOES AND PADDLE BOARDS TO RACE FOR THE RIVER! We are launching a brand new event this year that is sure to be a community favorite. … Continue reading

Pine Nursery Park opening, Wed. August 4th

Picked this up via Twitter: This Wednesday [August 4th] at 5:30pm come celebrate the grand opening of Pine Nursery Community Park. There will be kite flying, biking, a fishing demonstration, baseball and an ice cream social. The Pine Nursery Park is located in Northeast Bend, just east of Purcell (officially … Continue reading

A block party and a fundraiser

A couple of events today worth highlighting: 10th + Newport Block Party / Streetside Café: Free from noon until 8pm. Three local restaurants (Kebaba, Kanpai and Spork) are joining forces to host a neighborhood block party that will focus on great globally influenced street food and music. 10th Street will … Continue reading