1. Except that blog hasn’t been updated for over a month and the last blog post is all about the Bumbershoot in *Seattle*… not so much. 🙂

  2. No mention of the Source’s Bookey?

    I call for a Bend music writer death match. I know where I’d place my bets.

    Last night I ran into all of these folks at the Deer Tick show in the Father Luke’s room

    First ran into Mike Bookey and had a great short conversation about the band. I then sat with music blogger, Ethan, and his friends. Had a great time chatting with them about music. I turned around and saw Ben Salmon He half lifted up his hand and almost sarcastically returned my greeting after he left me hanging. It was really awkward. He must be HUGE!

  3. Although it did seem like an awkward greeting I should not have been so damn sensitive about it. Ben Salmon was working, it really wasn’t social hour as it was for us all. I realized that when you are in that mode, things can be different when it comes to engaging with others.

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