July 4th happenings
Lots of things happening this Fourth of July, which falls on Friday this year. I’ve updated the calendar, but here’s a rundown:
- The Pet Parade and Old Fashioned Celebration, Downtown. Starting at 10am, this is a perennial favorite; people walking pets of all stripe through downtown. Then the rest of the celebration is taken up in Drake Park, from 11 til 4, where "You’ll find craft and food booths, old fashioned games like three legged races, watermelon eating contest and water balloon contest as well as wonderful live entertainment."
- Also starting at 10 (and lasting until 4) is the Friends of the Bend Library Summer Book Sale. Deals to be found here as always.
- WebCyclery‘s Firecracker 100 Bike Ride is a July 4th tradition (it’s their 9th). "Patriotic clothing is recommended, so wear your stars and stripes! The ride is about 65 miles (starts and finishes in Alfalfa), is fully supported, and has a rest/food stop in Prineville. Meet at the corner of Alfalfa Market Road & Johnson Ranch Road (at the power station). Ride begins at 8-8:30AM (Beat the Heat)."
- It is also First Friday, and since I haven’t heard otherwise, I’ll assume it’s still going on (didn’t know if it was clashing with the holiday?). Downtown Bend and the Old Mill hosts art gallery receptions with music and (typically) wine and snacks. Starts at 5 and runs until 9 or so.
- The Fourth of July BBQ at Jake’s Diner runs from 6 until 8pm, and people are welcome to watch the Pilot Butte fireworks from their parking lot.
- Of course, the annual fireworks show from Pilot Butte starts at 10pm, and lasts about 20 minutes. Don’t miss it!
Outside of Bend:
- Sunriver Resort has an Old Fashioned Carnival from 4 to 8pm and provides a shuttle ($15 per person) to take you into Bend to watch the Pilot Butte fireworks.
- Redmond has their own parade downtown starting at 10am, and a fireworks show at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center starting approximately at 9pm.
- Prineville’s Old Fashioned 4th of July has a multi-event race, a pancake breakfast, parade, music and vendors in the park, and fireworks from their viewpoint in the evening.
- La Pine’s Frontier Days are running through the weekend, with their own parade at 10:30am and fireworks at 10pm.
- Out in Culver at Maragas Winery (north of the Gorge), they’re having their Independence Day Weekend Barbecue. Through Sunday, from 12 until 5 each day. Cost is $10 for wine and cheese tasting, and there will be music and winery tours.
- Sisters Elementary School hosts the weekend’s "Sisters Round-up of Gems"—free admission. Not necessarily directly related to the Fourth, but it always takes places on the respective weekend.
- Black Butte Ranch has a ton of things going on, including a Bike Decorating Party and following Bike Parade, live entertainment, and a BBQ picnic. Cost is $15 for the BBQ.
Well, THANK YOU slacker 😛 Now, when Camille & I talk about the 4th, I can refer to your posts
There is also the bike crit downtown Bend that starts at I think 2pm. That’s when a bunch of people on their cruisers ride through town for fun!
Also at Bend High School there will be a concert called "Sound Forth". There are several local choirs participating (I think 90+ singers and 60+ band members). It is at 3:00 at Bend Senior High.
Also following the concert there will be FREE BBQ across the street at First Presbyterian Church. Hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, pie, brownies, popsicles. It is being hosted by the 6th-12th graders and they will be taking donations to support their mission work.