Outdoor burning season
I got an email today wondering about all the smoke in the air, which I noticed today as well. Perhaps you’ve noticed it; the air is blue in some places. It’s because the outdoor burning season started on the 1st (Thursday)—KTVZ has an article on it—and it lasts for 20 days, through most of November.
Once preventative measures have been taken to prevent the fire from escaping, call the Outdoor Burning Information Line at 322-6335 to confirm that burning is allowed. Please remember that debris burning is required to be supervised and extinguished by dark. Noncompliance of fire protection regulations may result in a citation with a fine up to $500.00.
I ran on the west side of Bend on Saturday and the river trail Sunday and both days it smelled like folks were burning garbage along with the leaves! I don’t agree to the burn…especially on Awbrey Rd and Utica Rd! I mean come on… rent a trailer and take it to the recycling center at Knotts Landfill
How nice, sorry your sensibilities were offended by those law abiding citizens cleaning up their lots. Maybe you need to lobby your environmental whacko recycling pals to file a complaint with the city that this is causing Global Warming, OMG,..No wait, I forgot, you now call it Climate Change. Go away!