More house fire pictures
More pictures from the house fire across the street. I don’t have any of the fire itself—when we first watched, there was still smoke rising from the roof—but I took several of the fire fighters clearing away roofing material, wood, and the chimney from the roof.
Apologies for the mediocre quality of these pictures… it was dusk and the low-light conditions along with the zoom was enough to get the point, but some came out shaky. And actually, when it was starting to get really dark, they brought one of the engines over with a set of bright spotlights to illuminate the scene:
You can see the light pole sprouting up from the top of the truck. And here’s a shot of the lighted-up scene at full dark:
The house is behind the juniper trees there; unfortunately, that was the best angle from the street that the truck with the lights was able to get. There’s actually quite a bit of light reaching the house, though.