New coffee shop: Thump
Via Jen, there’s a new coffee shop downtown: Thump Coffee. It’s located at 25 NW Minnesota, just down from the Firehall building (which houses Staccato). They’re in the old "Bears" location in Suite 2, next to the Habit clothing store (the other street-facing store in the building).
Anyway. According to Jen, today (the 12th) was their first day, and they are serving up Stumptown Coffee. She rather liked it. And since I work nearby, I’ll be trying it out myself—and I’ll write up my own review.
I love their logo!
Carlos Perez at Perez design did the logo and design work.
Thump’s official grand opening is the first weekend in Feb., with tastings of coffees from around the world, etc.
this place will be my new meeting place. SORRY BALAY! they also have wi-fi.